Samstag, 17. Dezember 2016

Article: Sugar (Book - Project)

I am so addicted to pain, because sugar is my cocaine. Whenever something happens I stuff shitloads of sugar in me. My roommates were always freaking out when I came back from CVS because they had Kit-Kat-Special 5 packages for 1 Dollar each. I bought them and ate them on my way back.

My reactions are simple, whenever I am depressed I stuff that stuff into my body. According to recent research mindwandering precedes unhappiness. It seems there is some potential activitated that prepares our brain for unhappy feelings. Sugar does not make us happy, but my assumption is that similar to sex sugar brings us for a moment back to our body and thus away from mind wandering. This transition is crucial for an unstoppable addiction to sugar, a diet that many Americans follow.

We need to replace our addiction with a meaningful life, but to be honest sugar is the easiest solution to many of our problems.

Background-Ideas - How to know which nutrition is good for you?

I am not a fan of conspiracy theories, but the sugar industry had clear intent to twist facts about sugar consumption. The former white gold was rare and made money for some millionaires.

"The Association sought out scientists who were trying to prove that fat was the major health threat, not sugar. They gave funding to these scientists to try to push their research ahead of anti-sugar research.6""

"Several months later, the review was published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine.19,20
The report firmly concluded sugar was NOT to blame for America’s growing health problems. And because it came from Harvard, the entire medical community listened.21,2 Cutting Sugar from your Diet

Scientific Knowledge
The problem is that such scientists discredit the progress in science and the question is: How to gain right information?

Now, I think that a philosophy course with the right emphasis on scientific work as well as sociology-studies might help on these issues.

Despite the reliance on the scientific  facts, however, ethics should be one of our major guidelines.

Samstag, 27. August 2016

Das gesunde Leben - ein Gesamtplan

Folgende Programme solltest Du nach und nach in deine Lebensweise integrieren. Zur Integration von Verhaltensweisen habe ich bereits an anderer Stelle geschrieben.

Vom Wert der Meditation

Meditation ist der Schlüssel zu einer gesunden Lebensführung. Wir schalten dabei Mind-Wandering (Gedankenwandern) aus. Mind-Wandering ist einer der Hauptgründe, warum wir unglücklich werden. In diesem Sinne ist am besten Meditation im Leben zu integrieren. Teilweise wird es wie eine Operation am Gehirn beschrieben. Andere Artikel hierzu sind an folgenden Stellen zu finden:


Vom richtigen Anfang

Um alle gesunden Lebensweisen auch zu integrieren, gilt: wehret den Anfängen. Ein Kampf mit sich selbst, um langfristig auch tatsächlich Resultate zu erzielen.

"Am Abend wird der Faule fleißig."

Wer jeden Morgen bereits die gesunden Dinge anstrebt, der wird langfristig auch gesund sein. Den Morgen versuche ich mir so gut wie möglich von Terminen freizuhalten, um dann immer in der gleichen Weise arbeiten zu können. Das ergibt den Vorteil, dass ich Abends frei habe und mich entspannen kann. Wie also anfangen?

Die richtige Morgenroutine:

Es gibt sehr verschiedene Morgenroutinen und dabei ist es natürlich sehr individuell. Aber ein Frosch sollte am Morgen schon geschluckt werden.

Darüberhinaus wissen wir, dass Morgenprokrastination mit sogenannter Bedtimeprocrastination korelliert. Das bedeutet: Wer abends nicht pünktlich schlafen geht, der prokrastiniert auch am nächsten Tag.

Zur Gesundheit 

Es empfiehlt sich hier tatsächlich keinen Alkohol zu trinken. Zwar hielt sich lange Zeit die Idee, dass moderater Alkoholkonsum gesund sei, doch zeigt eine verbesserte Studienlage nun, dass ein erhöhtes Krebsrisiko damit einher geht.

Fettreduzierung ohne Sport aber mit Fokus auf die Ernährung, Fasten

Sport ist im allgemeinen gesund und sollte in der Morgenroutine bereits enthalten sein. Insgesamt aber wird sich dies nicht unbedingt im Gewicht niederschlagen, sondern bedarf einer langfristigen Lebensumstellung. Was tatsächlich das Gewicht reduziert, ist eine verringerte Kalorienaufnahme. HIer sind ein paar Ideen, wie wir den entstehenden Hunger kontrollieren können:

Das richtige Trinken: 

Es gibt zwar einige Studien, die keine gesundheitlichen Vorteile von genügend Wasserzufuhr erkennen können, wir empfehlen aber dennoch zu trinken und zwar Wasser und Tee. Hier das ausführlichere Argument:

Kommen wir zu den einfacheren Tipps, die die Lebensqualität verbessern können, aber nicht primär sind. Dafür aber können sie einmalig angewendet werden:

Die richtigen Pflanzen im Raum:


Kleinere Einheiten:
Kalte Dusche:

Dienstag, 16. August 2016

Richtiges Trinken - Selbstexperiment trinken, akne

Zuviel Wasser bringt den Natriumhaushalt durcheinander:

Wasser und Haut:

Richtiges Trinken basiert auch darauf, trinken als Mikroangewohnheit in den Alltag zu integrieren.
"Wer zu lange Trinkpausen einlegt und sein Durstgefühl ignoriert, kommt in einen Bereich, in dem der Flüssigkeitsmangel sich bemerkbar macht: " Susann-Cathérine Ruprecht Sprecherin des Deutschen Instituts für Ernährungsforschung (DIfE) in Potsdam

In dem Artikel heißt es weiter, dass drei Prozent Flüssigkeitsverlust, bereits zur Minderung der Leistungsfähigkeit, mental wie physisch, führen. Insofern wir aber bereits ein halbes Prozent an Wasser verloren haben, bekommen wir ein Durstgefühl.
Energiearme Getränke sind wichtig. Für mich weniger von Bedeutung, da ich ohnehin nur Wasser und Tee trinke. Im Artikel heißt es weiter, dass 20 minütiges Joggen noch nicht als Belastung zu werden sei. Erst bei einer Stunde können wir von Anstrengung sprechen.

Darüber hinaus bestehe auch keine Gefahr, dass wir zu viel trinken:

"Der Körper kann zehn Liter pro Tag ohne Probleme verarbeiten", sagt Gahl.

" Kaffee gilt, anders als in der Vergangenheit, nicht als problematisch, solange das Koffein gut vertragen wird.

Es heißt zudem, dass Wasser-trinken (2 Liter) falsch sei und nicht wissenschaftlich belegt:

Aber es untersucht nicht die Auswirkungen auf zum Beispiel die Haut.

Trink dich schlau: Experimente zum Trinken:


Samstag, 30. Juli 2016

Gesundheit konkret: 100 Jahre alt werden, Hinweise eines alten Doktors, weitere Videos

Dr. Rhonda Patrick

Von 100-jährigen lernen

Musik Healing:

Kritik eines Doktors:

Wir belächeln ja das Mittelalter oft wegen seiner Rückständigkeit. Sinnlose Aderlasse, fragwürdige Tinkturen und Wunderheiler immer noch. Zwar hat Dr. Hiromi Shinya Medizin studiert, allerdings schrillen bei derlei Sätzen die Alarmglocken:

"Wenn ein Patient mit Darmkrebs zu ihm kam, dann wusste er sofort, dass der Vorrat an Basisenzymen erschöpft war und nicht mehr zur Zellreparatur ausreichte." Um ihm wieder zu guter Gesundheit zu verhelfen, entfernte er zuerst den Krebs. Dann verordnete er eine strenge Diät von enzymreicher, nicht toxischer Nahrung und Wasser, damit dem Körper wieder mehr Basisenzym zur Verfügung stand und er sich selbst ausheilen konnte. Die außerordentlichen Erfolge seiner Ernährungstherapie konnte Dr. Shinya jahrzehntelang beobachten: „Seit ich meine Patienten dazu bringen konnte, diese Methode zu verstehen und anzuwenden, sank die Rückfallrate bei den von mir behandelten Krebspatienten auf null!“

Das ist alles sehr eindeutig. Eine Rückfallrate auf 0 zu senken ist dabei schon beachtlich, wie aber wurde dies kontrolliert oder ist das nur eine Behauptung, das ist das Hauptproblem.

Ansonsten ist womöglich der Vorschlag einer pflanzlichen Ernährungen mit einem Fokus auf Enzyme durchaus als positiv zu bewerten, wird allerdings sehr vereinfacht dargestellt.

Vollständiger Buchtitel: „Lang leben ohne Krankheit. Diät-& Gesundheitstipps vom Entdecker des Enzym-Faktors“, Dr. Hiromi Shinya, 62008 München.

Ein 97-jähriger Doktor erklärt

Ernährung wie?

Zur Ethik:

Essen genießen:

Dienstag, 19. Juli 2016

Rhonda Patrick - How to live life sustainably

Rhonda Patrick, Ph.D.: detailed, and substantial research regarding health (as a credential her Ph.D. thesis is published in Nature Cell Biology).

Rhoda Patrick's website:

Here are, however, some transcriptions gathered from the Tim Ferris-Podcast:

Question: What are new areas, experiments, discoveries, or hypotheses [08:02]?

Rhonda's Answer: Nutrition, genetics, optimizing our diet with regard to specific nutrients.

The guiding question is for her research is, however:

How to achieve a healthy and functional lifespan? 

Aging is thus one of the major topics. She states: "Most reliable to treat aging is preventing it."

She specificly recommends: 


Wikipedia states:
"Although there is basic research on how sulforaphane may affect mechanisms in vivo,[2][3] there is limited evidence to date for its effects on human diseases.[4][5] While investigations support the effect of sulforaphane on Nrf2 activity, it has far less effect than synthetic triterpenoid analogues.[6]"
  "Sulforaphane was identified in broccoli sprouts, which, of the cruciferous vegetables, have the highest concentration of sulforaphane.[1] It is also found in Brussels sprout, cabbage, cauliflower, bok choy, kale, collards, Chinese broccoli, broccoli raab, kohlrabi, mustard, turnip, radish, arugula, and watercress."
Rhonda strongly recommends these substances, though the research seems not to cover it entirely. This raises the question of how much can we trust Rhonda Patrick? Her main argument is the following: Slightly stressful substances cause repair mechanisms. The net gain is greater than the damage. This implies that even substances that don't have a nutritive function might help us overall.

Her theory is: We want to stress ourselves. For example, neuro-stress leads to new neurons growing. This theory is recently also discussed as hormesis and controversial. Clinical trials, however, are difficult, and the plausibility of her theory can be covered with observations from other sciences.

Problematic is that her approach reminds us of homöopathy that follows a similar principle (no experimental background)

Let's assume, however, Rhonda is right, then also your mom was right about broccoli and brussels sprouts [10:12]

Personal Anecdote on Helicobacter Pylori:

The first time in the US, I got problems with my stomach. I don't know if it was the fatty food, or anything else. For a certain time, I believed that I had Helicobacter Pylori. I decided to cure my Helicobacter Pylori infection with broccoli. Though this is an individual experience, it actually worked. Back in Germany in 2009, they could not find any bacteria in my stomach.

I ate Broccoli briefly cooked with some salt in the morning and evening. As a result, my roommate called me Dr. Broccoli.

Here is the study that actually suggests that Helicobacter Pylori can be fought with Broccoli much better than any high dose antibiotic therapy.

For Further evaluation:

How stressing out our cells may help slow the aging process. [10:52]
Sulfarofan is linked to hormesis -  it creates a positive stress response pathway, that increases resilience

Further stress: Time restricted eating

Time restricted eating should be in line with our circadian rhythm. This means we should eat more in the morning and less and less in the evening.

Eating should be constrained (from 8 hours to 12 hours eating, the rest is fasting). This way we'll have 16 to 12 hours of non-eating.

No-Eating means to only drink water, since all other substances might start metabolic processes (this includes tea and coffee).

Som points from another podcast ( :

On Timing for Eating: We are evolutionarily modeled to eat during the day. Don't eat and lie down. Their are times when you are insulin-insensitive. Having a big meal then, will effect your metabolism negatively. This might lead to "metabolic disorders" 

How to fast?

Starting at 7 to 8 pm and having at least 13 hours. Skipping Breakfast, however, is problematic because there is probably a correlation to late-night eating. 

Effects of 13 hour fasting

breast cancer recurrence reduction by 40%
risk of breast cancer mortality by 20% reduced

Fasting decreases haemoglobin A1C level, which is a marker on the average glucose in our blood.
It’s a powerful marker used to test diabetes drugs. Time restricting can reduce CRP, an indicator of inflammation, if people start to fast fairly early in the evening. Fasting promotes repairs in the body by clearing away damaged cells. Just like you need a rest day after exercising, you need a resting period after eating.

Muscle Growth?:

11 hour-eating window reduced so and so
Nightime -fasting

Each 10 percent increase
GOAL: 14 to 16 hours Fasting
10 Hour window of eating
9 Hour Eating, 15 Hours Eating Argument: the Liver production, leads to endurance enhancements
9-12 window of eating: protection from obesity etc. Kiton-bodies.
Studies: Eating within 11 hour window= 36 percent lower breast cancer risk.
Time-restricted-eated:, Kevin Rose: I-phone: Zero

Additional Link:

When to eat?
Thesis: Metabolism changes during day -
Eating late at night influences our cycle
Emphasizing an earlier eating window, eating early (probably a good lunch, not so much for dinner)

The question of the frequency of meals is yet not answered:

Even coffee, or tea can influence it.

Circadian rhythm:

How do the effects of fasting differ from those of a low-carb, high-fat (LCHF) diet, and what key metrics would indicate benefit (or lack thereof)? [16:16]

Even bacteria in our guts have a circadian rhythm. Bacteria dominate at different times.
Eating late at night changes metabolisms. Time restricted eating focuses on early food.

Low-Carb-High-Fat: Metabolism shift (keton-bodies as energy)

Benefitis of prolonged fasting: dramatic increase atostrophy, apoptosis, rebuilding stem cells, against tomor growth, mytochondria accumalate damage with age, fasting clears away the damaged one's

NAD+ , NAD levels increase during fasting, you need them for enzymes, fatty acids. Flammation sucks up NAD, NAD levels increase with aging.
Low carb - high-fat-diet. Fasted state is necessary for reparing damage (repair processes during the sleep)

Low carb -high-fat-diet can reduce glucose levels, but not consistently

Depending how to genetically responding to food
genetic polymorphism
2015: blood-glucose respond (in journal: Cell), some people have a high response to fat,
PPA-Alpha (Gene), uptake = good

Until 32:

Cardial-deseases significantly lower. Using Sauna lower all-cause mortality (40% less mortality

  • Is there any benefit to combining heat stress and cold stress in rapid succession — or do they cancel each other out? [45:30]
Cold stress: Effects on brain -

Icebaths might help sleeping.

  • Thoughts on how regular hyperthermic conditioning and hypothermic stress relate to muscle hypertrophy in strength training. [51:16]
hyperthermic conditioning: context of using the sauna. Muscle hypertrophy - proteindegration and new synthesis. 41 Degree celsisu, heatshok proteins. 40 percent more muscle regrowth. Using Sauna, it increases growth hormone. 30 minute cooling period. 2 -15 min (100 Degree Celsius)

IGF1 - new-protein-synthesis ... Mtor

  • Why does Rhonda prefer the sauna after, rather than before, a workout? [55:22]

  • How does Rhonda feel about nootropic cognitive-enhancing supplements? Does she take any herself? [1:01:38]
Stays away from brain-drugs. 

Cholin-supplement? 1200 miligram,enhances performance, and does not reduce alzheimer (alpha GPD), reduced reaction times (research more), Placebo-effect?

Lionsmane (bushitake). - significant improvement of cognitive function (intake necessary to maintain effect).

  • Rhonda elaborates on the importance of vitamin D and omega 3. [1:08:51]
Am I Vitamin D insufficient? How efficient are you? 

Vitamin D - order

  • Is sulforaphane a nootropic? [1:11:12]
She order Sulfurphane (significantly reducing memory loss),Glucoraphanin

  • On cold-press juicing broccoli sprouts for sulforaphane and why Rhonda prefers blending. [1:17:50]

  • What is the most effective non-pharmaceutical pain reliever for arthritis sport injury sufferers? [1:18:34]

  • Because the FDA doesn’t require dietary supplements to be tested before going to market, how can we find trustworthy supplement brands? [1:26:35]
Diary products do not have to be tested, sometimes they include products that need prescription. Better get tested ones. NSF certification. Contaminated?

  • What are Rhonda’s core supplements and foods for health and brain function? [1:29:00]
Micronutriants - Green vegetables (30 to 40 vitamins, ammino-accids), what are adequate amounts? How many do we need to slow down aging? Some deseases might be called aging. What are the optimal levels for aging? very challenging task. Great degree of genetic influence on how we absorb. Nutrogenomics. It is not a one size fits all. Focus on Macronutriants? Eliminate refined carbohydrats and sugar. Finding nutriants density. Always eating breakfast. 

Scrambled eggs, plus Avocado Oil, not polysaturated fats. Mustardpattered. Isocynates. Eggs = Cholin ... Activation and deactivation fo various genes.

Lunch: Kale, Berries, Water, Smoothyrecipies (searching Rhonda Patrick Smoothy), Avocado (Potassium, Vitamin E, monosaturated fat), Sauerkraut (Prebiotics, better digestion), Salmon (Kaviar), specific types of immunecells

Dinner: cooked vegetables, Fole, necessary for repairing, for that you need fole, increases stemcells, protects telomeres, mothers with highest folies, longer telomeres for children. Colored greens, mustard powder. Favourite vegetables.


Bock Choy, Mustard, Vegetables, Big Salad with different greens, Foley, Magnesium, Calcium, Probiotics, Salmon (Low Mercury), APA (anti-inflammation), DHA, Omega-Acids change brain aging, 9 percent reduced all-cross mortality.

Chickenlegs - Chickenbonesoup, Selenium, Zink, Copper, Iron
Grassfed Steak - Iron ... 


Sulforaphane - activates Detoxication - Prostate cancer preventer - First day is already helpful (reduces Benzin)


Sulforaphane - lowering inflammation (importance with advancing age, ability to perform activities, as much as cognition)


Nordic Naturals (fish oils, kept refrigerated), brown fat, curcumin,

NAD status improving, benefits of fasting, supplementation, 

Look up: nicotinamide riboside (high doses) 125 mg.

  • What does Rhonda’s exercise routine look like? [1:53:17]
not an endurance athlete (running before big decisions), structural changes in the brain with aging, 15 minutes can increase brain drive neurobic factors. 

Workout: Importance of Legs: less brain aging, for all others this was not meassured, brain strength

  • What is the 80/20 of lifestyle changes — that is, what twenty percent of lifestyle inputs lead to eighty percent of positive effects? [1:57:16]
Cut out refined Sugar: accelerates the aging process, people have shorter telomeres, reduction in telomeres established biomarker for aging, 4.6 years trimmed off... Triggers increase of inflammation... HOrmones 25 decrease in testosteron after too much sugar. Short lift of dopamin, similar to drugs like tabacco etc. Losing self-control, tolerance, you need more and more. Best thing to cut it out, best thing to do. Food will start to taste sweeter (shown in studies). Eating meals early the day. Reducing breast cancer risk by 36 percent. 

Tripple the amount of vegetables, drop them in a powerful blender etc. Fibers get ingested, fiber is still in there. Fibers are often in short supply. Using a powerful blender (?), great texture by adding an avocado. Adding on top. rhonda noticed that vegetables quadruppled which is healthier. Kale, berries and avocado.

Eating more greens (deficancies: Magnesium, K, C, A, Calcium, Foly), Greens, metabolic processes important for longterm health

strategic rationing of nutriants. Dealing with food scarcity, generating aging, however, Magnesium is important (ATP must be bound to a magnesium ion in order to be active), magnesium is necessary for repairing damaged DNA

Vitamin D - Serotonin (40 and 60 nanograms), metaanalysis 30 studies, people of that level had lowest all-cost mortality, plus longest telomeres), a couple of thousand twins. Vitamin D activates a lot of things for telomeres. Effects on longterm health. Clinical trials: cuts infection risks. effects muscle mass and excercise performance and muscle mass. 

  • Has Rhonda considered taking meat completely out of her diet?[2:11:21]
many studies have shown meat consumption cancer related
protein increases igf1 increases cancer, but not initiation but growth

  • Of paleo, ketogenic, and vegetarian diets, which seems best poised to combat inflammation, and what are the general pros and cons of each? [2:17:12]
Vegetables: Small micronutriants (incredibly important, encymes need them), diversity of fibers, 

  • Do probiotics need to be taken forever, or do the introduced strains of bacteria gain a foothold at some point? [2:28:25]
Supplemental probiotics: Space for these microbes, how do new species gain a foothold, flow through, instead of sticking around, can be highly effective, the mechanism are difficult to evaluate, existing population with anti-biotics, 

  • For superior health, does Rhonda recommend staying away from all alcohol, or are a couple glasses of red wine on the weekend okay? [2:39:24]
Some glasses on Wine are okay? The answer was short...

Schreibzeit:  245  Minuten  (23:35)

Sauerkraut kaufen

Freitag, 15. Juli 2016

Meditationskloster, Dan Harris bestes Video

Seite für ein Zen-Kloster

Sonntag, 10. April 2016

wie mit Erkältungen umgehen